February 19, 2023

Worship Calendar

Feb. 26 – Pastor Roberson. First Sunday in Lent

Mar. 5 – Pastor Roberson



Options for Giving:

1. Cheques made out to “Hagerman Mennonite Church” can be sent to Joanna Reesor-McDowell, 61 Dougherty Crescent, Stouffville L4A 0A1

2. Bank E-transfers can be sent to hagerman.giving@gmail.com


Pancake Supper

Feb. 21 - 6:30 – 8 pm. To prepare ourselves for the Lenten season, we will have a pancake supper at church. There will be a short devotional as well after the meal.


Hagerman Annual Meeting

Sunday March 5 1:00 -2:30pm. Lunch will be provided.


Bi-Weekly Prayer Meeting

Second and fourth Wednesdays at 7:30 – Please contact Earl Smith at earlsmith@sympatico.ca or James Barber at james.barber.123@gmail.com for a zoom link.


Voices Together workshop

Christina Entz Moss participated in a workshop about the prayers and litanies found in Voices Together and will be sharing what she learned on Mon. Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m. via zoom.  Email Cam at cameron.kf@gmail.com for link.


Here is some wording that Pastoral Care and Discipleship have put together to summarize our recent work on LGBTQ+ inclusion.  We plan to discuss this during our March 5th AGM, and approve it if it reflects where we are.

Hagerman Draft Statement on LGBTQ+ inclusion

Hagerman is a caring community that accepts LGBTQ+ folks within our congregation as members and lay leaders, and have already done so.

In terms of our direction, we have become more inclusive of LGBTQ+ over time and continue on our learning journey.

Order of Service


Welcome – Matt Klaassen

Opening prayer

Opening music – Christina Entz Moss

       Praise the Lord (VT 95)

       Holy Spirit, come with power (57)

Hearing God’s Word

Periscope – Christina Entz Moss

Scripture Readings

Exodus 24:12-18

Matthew 17:1-9

Sermon – The bright cloud (Pastor Roberson)

Hymn of response

       In the morning when I rise (VT 499)



Sharing of Joys & Concerns

Prayers of the people


Closing hymn

       You shall go out with joy (VT 847)


karen heese